This is not the first of Peter Jackson's pet projects where he has asked Guillermo del Toro to direct; del Toro was also offered to helm the now troubled Halo movie, but he turned it down to direct his own pet project Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Del Toro did accept the chance to direct this film, but after years stuck in pre-production limbo, he left to pursue other projects.
這不是Peter Jacksom第一個請Guillermo del Toro執導的首要項目;現在充滿麻煩的Halo電影也曾提供給del Toro過,但他為了執導他自己的地獄怪客2而婉拒了。Del Toro曾接受過執導這部片的機會,但多年卡在製作前期的地獄後,他離開尋求其他計畫。
Daniel Radcliffe, David Tennant, Shia LaBeouf, James McAvoy, Erryn Arkin and Tobey Maguire were considered for the role of Bilbo Baggins.
Martin Freeman previously appeared in Hot Fuzz, which featured cameos by directorPeter Jackson as "Santa Claus," Cate Blanchett (Galadriel) as a CSI, and Bill Nighy (who played Sam Gamgee on BBC Radio) as a police officer. He also appeared in Shaun of the Dead, also opposite Nighy, as well as Penelope Wilton, who had been married to the previous Bilbo, Ian Holm.
Martin Freeman曾演出Hot Fuzz終棘警探(超好看的!),其中導演Peter Jackson客串”聖誕老人”(我記得是個搶匪)、Cate Blanchett(凱爾崔蘭)客串一個CSI、而Bill Nighy(曾在BBC廣播中版演山姆甘吉)是名警官,他還出現在Shaun of the Dead活人牲吃(Martin Freeman也有演)裡,同樣還有Penelope Wilton,曾嫁給老版的比爾博Ian Holm。(我最喜歡IMDB總是可以在一部片裡牽扯出幾百條相關的事)
The film will be shot on thirty Red Epic cameras. The Epic is the new model of Red that is expected to have widespread availability around April 2011.
這部片以三十台Red Epic攝影機拍攝,Epic攝影機是Red最新的型號,預計會在2011年四月廣為販售。(PJ還一台台幫這些攝影機用他親戚朋友的名字取名呢!)
Ron Perlman was up for a role when Guillermo del Toro was the director, but after del Toro left, so did Perlman.
Ron Perlman(就是Hellboy本人)在Guillermo del Toro還是導演的時候曾有個角色,但在Del Toro離開後Perlman也走了。
This movie went through several stages of pre-production hell, the first being Guillermo del Toro stepping down as the Director as a result of MGM freezing the project while it emerged out of bankruptcy, it was almost cast out of New Zealand when several unions and guilds blacklisted the project and shooting was delayed again while Peter Jacksonrecovered from surgery from a perforated ulcer.
這部片曾經歷了幾段前製作期地獄,先是MGM因瀕臨破產而凍結這個計畫,讓Guillermo del Toro辭去導演;又因許多工會和行業項目將這計畫列入黑名單而幾乎被紐西蘭趕了出去;計畫又在PJ從穿孔潰瘍的手術中復原而延遲了拍攝。
The name Beorn is an Old English word meaning bear. It is closely related to the common Scandanavian name Bjorn, also meaning bear. Both English and the Scandanavian languages such as Norwegian and Swedish are part of the same Germanic language family. Old English and Old Norse, their progenitor languages, were even closer.
Beorn這個名字在古英文的意思是熊,相當接近斯堪的納維亞(北歐)常見的名字Bjorn,同樣意思為熊。英語跟斯堪的納維亞語言,例如挪威語跟瑞典語皆是日耳曼語系的一部分。古英文跟古北歐語的祖語言甚至跟相近。(1.這段繞得我頭都暈了。2. J.R.R. Tolken是語言學家,魔戒系列的語言是他參考各種語系創造出來的。)
Jed Brophy appears in this film as Nori. His son Sadwyn Brophy appeared as Eldarion inThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Jed himself also appeared in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King as various Orcs.
Jed Brophy在影片中演出Nori。他兒子Sadwyn Brophy曾在魔戒3中演出Eldarion(亞拉岡跟亞玟還沒出生的兒子)。Jed本人也在魔戒2跟3中演出眾多半獸人。
David Tennant was rumored to be playing Thranduil before Lee Pace was cast.
可愛的David Tennant在粗眉毛李˙派斯接演前曾謠傳演出瑟蘭督伊(精靈王、勒苟拉斯他阿爸)。(李˙派斯真是太適合這個角色了,不過大衛也有黑黑的粗眉毛跟高瘦的體型,要是給他演的我們應該能看到一個相當冷酷無情的精靈王,而且金髮跟藍眼睛跟他似乎和的起來耶!網路有人p圖,有興趣自己去找找唄!看起來跟我想像的精靈王氣質很像,不過就是長得不像能生出綠葉王子就是了,喔~我這裡扯太多了…)
Gollum only appears in one scene in the book. Andy Serkis completed that scene during the first week of production, but stayed on as Second Unit Director.
咕魯只在書中出現一個場景。Andy Serkis在製作的第一個禮拜完成那個場景,但之後待在第二團隊當導演。(我超佩服他們的,第一場戲就是跟馬汀自由人拍這段超~~重要的橋段!直接進角色耶,聽起來就覺好緊張。)
Richard Armitage has said that his first experience acting on stage was playing an elf in a theatrical production of The Hobbit.
Richard Armitage說過他第一個上台演出的經驗就是在哈比人劇院版演出一個精靈。
Luke Evans (Bard) and Orlando Bloom (Legolas) also appeared together in The Three Musketeers. A previous version of this story, The Three Musketeers/The Four Musketeers featured Christopher Lee (Saruman) as Count Rochefort.
Luke Evans(Bard)跟奧蘭多˙開花(勒苟拉斯)都曾在3D劍客聯盟裡演出。在這個故事更早的版本裡(1993年的豪情三劍客跟1974年的四劍客)克禮斯多福˙李(薩魯曼)則演出Rochefort伯爵。
The Elven King, though he appears in the book The Hobbit, is never identified by name. Is it only in The Lord of the Rings, when Legolas first appears in the books, that he is identified as the Son of Thranduil of Mirkwood. When Legolas enters Lothlorien in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Haldir greets him in Elvish as "Legolas Thranduillion."
精靈王,雖然有出現在哈比人一書中,但未曾被直名過。只有在魔戒中,當勒苟拉斯第一次出現在書中,他表明自己的身分為幽暗密林的瑟蘭督伊之子。當勒苟拉斯進入Lothlorien時,哈爾達以精靈語”綠葉薩蘭迪爾之子”歡迎他。(leg綠 golas葉子的複數 Thranduillion瑟蘭督伊的兒子,我才不承認我查了魔戒字典。另外,雖然瑟蘭督伊的名字在兩個主要著作都沒有出現,但是在精靈寶鑽的”魔戒與第三紀元”篇章中有出現,而且以他們都是金髮這點來看,雖然難以相信但是他們應該有凡雅族的血統,就跟凱爾崔蘭一樣。)
Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins) and Benedict Cumberbatch (Smaug/Necromancer) both star together in the BBC production of Sherlock; Cumberbatch plays the title role with Freeman playing Dr. Watson.
Sylvester McCoy (Radagast the Brown) was previously considered for the role of Bilbo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Sylvester McCoy(褐袍瑞達加斯特)曾被考慮過在魔戒1中扮演比爾博巴金斯。(繼續補充你的中土知識,褐袍瑞達加斯特跟灰袍甘道夫是一樣的身分,都是維拉派到中土大陸抵抗索隆的邁雅之一)
Both Ian Holm and Christopher Lee filmed their scenes at London's Pinewood Studios because, due to reasons of health, neither were comfortable flying to New Zealand.
Ian Holm跟Christopher Lee都因健康因素無法飛到紐西蘭,而在倫敦的Pinewood工作室拍攝他們的場景。
Christopher Lee commented that he would have loved to voice the Dragon Smaug in a film adaptation of 'The Hobbit'.
Christopher Lee表示他想替電影哈比人中的史矛革龍配音。(抱歉,李爺爺雖然也是配音大師,但是我私心還是想要一個性感的史矛格來搭配賣萌的比爾博)
Stephen Fry describes his role as the Master of Lake-town as "an opportunity for sheer grossness. Peter Jackson had me eating testicles! I've got a bald cap and then on top of that a really bad comb-over wig, and this wispy mustache and beard and horrible blotchy skin and disgusting fingernails ... generally speaking, a really unappetizing piece of work."
Stephen Fry形容他長湖城主人的角色為”一個純粹(變)噁心的機會。PJ(根本是)逼我吃睪丸!我有一個禿頂帽,上面有糟糕梳理的假髮,加上稀疏的鬍鬚、(充滿)可怕斑點的肌膚和噁心的指甲…總的說,一個相當倒胃的工作”。
This film and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug wrapped on July 6, 2012 after 266 days of principal photography.
這部片跟哈比人2在266天的拍攝後在2012年的七月六號結束拍攝。(這應該是舊資訊,因為後來PJ有宣布他要把哈比人剪成三部片,所以除了這兩個以外還有The Hobbit: there and back again要在2014年上映)
The Hobbit is the first feature film to be shot and projected at 48 frames per second, twice as fast as the industry standard of 24 frames. The intention of this is to provide the film smoother, more realistic motion with reduced strobing. This is particularly beneficial when viewing the film in 3D, as the higher frame rate helps to correctly synchronize the images for each eye.
In the second trailer, Gandalf can be heard saying, "Home is behind you, the world ahead..." this is a quote from the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, written by J.R.R. Tolkien for the books; it is part of the song which Pippin sings to Lord Denethor in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
在第二個預告中,能聽到甘道夫說”家在你後面,世界在前…”,這句話是在J.R.R. Tolkien為魔戒三部曲書本所寫的;這是皮聘在魔戒3中為攝政王迪耐瑟所唱的歌的一部分。
以上資訊皆由IMDB網站上的The Hobbit: An Unexpected Joureny中的Trivia擷取,除了翻譯,內容物並不屬於我,若有興趣請上原網站,點這裡閱讀更多。
另外,Part 2在這兒。